Thursday, July 24, 2008

3 Mistakes of My Life

"Love, Sex, Passion, Foreign locations, Patriotism and High intensity Action." Chetan Bagat's latest 3 Mistakes of My Life has everything that could qualify a Hindi Movie to be Complete Masala flick.

Add to this Cricket, Religion, Friendship, Betrayal, Suicide and Miracles.

There is nothing more you could ask for while reading any Novel.

This time there are 3 guys and as always one sweet, charming and daring girl called Vidya, like Neha of Five point Someone or Priyanka of One night @ Call Centre. I wonder why Chetan's girls are always so adventurous,venturous, undaunted and all that you seldom see in real life.

Then amongst the 3 guys one is the narrator, Govind. but for the First time Chetan's narrator is Cool, Calm, Composed someone who acts like a Leador (totally in contrast to tomgue tied Hari of FPS1 or damped Shyam of ON@CC.
The other guys include "Omi" - the son of a priest- impulsive and a sort of

follower. Ish/Ishant - Undaunted, heroic, emotional - a higher version of

Now the plot goes like this:

The guys esp. Narrator starts a buisness. After a couple of failures , they

succeed. Ishant discovers a national treasure in a 12 Year old poor Muslim

boy. What so special about the boy? well, the boy can respond to a

stimuli in less than 1/10 of a normal human being. Some thing quite

unrealistic. never mind so the boys goes on hitting Sixes on even the best

of pace attack.

SO our three heroes pledge to make boy a national Cricketer. The poor

muslim, who has no future in India ends up getting a Lavish deal from

Australians. In a breath holding scene(like that pakistani Masjid scene in

Gadar movie) he declares:

" It's Ok if I dont become a player, but not Ok if I am not an Indian..No I

dont want to be Australian in my next life.Even if I have a hundered next

lives, I want to be Indian in all of them. "

In between, the cool narrator after dozens attempts by Vidya ( the sweet

girls and sister of Ishant) finally falls in her love and ends up doing the

forbidden, the day she turns 18, in her room, right above her mothers

kitchen blowing whisltes of Pressure Cooker,Brothers TV room. Fathers

Drawing room. The forbidden acts are repeated till the 'P' word and 'A'

word emerge in picture.

And Now the Action:

Godhara Incident.
Muslims burn alive Hindus Kar Sewaks in Train.
Gujrat explodes.

And remember our beloved little national tresure was a Muslim. So he

becomes a target of a wild Mob pledged to torch him alive.
To his rescue we have our three heroes.

Govind-the Narrator, buisnessman.
Omi- the son of leador of mob.
Ishant-the cricketer, the hero.

A high intensity action follows. 3 young boys brave 40 something mob.
It reminds of Gadar Movie. Ishant who had ran away from NDA several

years ago, comes out as a real Warrior with real blood in his veins.
The Climax is awsome. It actually hold ur breath and you can't even bat ur eyelid.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Google Pages

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Give me a Reason

It DOES matter what u think of me
only as long as it does NOT interfere with what I am.

Do visit the link above, before finalizing your Opinion:


Give me a Reason

(Height of Negativism : This also happens )

Someone who laughed without a reason was termed as nonsense. What about those who live their whole life without a reason? Give me a break..I cant do that ..There has to be a reason for our survival?

Or the reason is obvious? Is the reason just to survive? If so, why?
And If not, then is it Money, Spouse, Status, Power, some better known words but mere ingredients of again survival.

Or to serve our parents, this country, the society, someone special whom we love..

Before that:

What is love?

An intricate amalgam, metamorphism and expression of some basic(selfish) needs of a person Food, Shelter, Sex, Security.

Mind it You are instinctly programmed (by nature) to love your parents just because they have provided you with Food, Shelter and Security.
The same for your country and society.
And unfortunately even worse for the person you proudly claim to be your true love.

Back to reason :

Last left is God. To serve God.

What is God?

1) When man did nt have answers to some of his questions,
2) When man wanted to impose a way of life for the fellow beings,
3) When man doubted his strength to crack his difficulties,

he invented the Concept of God.



Dated: June 10, 2008