Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sacred Smiles...

Like some crops in fields which missed the harvest,

Like a diamond ring which slid down d drain,

Like a handwritten note washed in d rain

Like a timeless melody never recorded,

My Life is a prose which was never narrated.

I stand at this bridge with a pick and guitar,

Waiting for the moon and the evening stars,

Promising a song at the dawn of night.

To the ripples which goes along the riverside.

And for sure every day the sun sets down,

Makes me hunt for a fresh new reason,

To betray the ripples and myself.

And justify the silence and the treason.

Its so easy to make a note,

To decorate it with some radiant words,

Except when u have to speak the truth,

No fancy, no flight, but ur own good life

U have not an audience but a life to loose,

Still I manage to find a smile,

And paste it over a restless face.

God u know this is all so tough

Hold those drops forever still

Before they wash the smile away.

....written Dec 09